Frequently Asked Questions


The American Association of Orthodontists recommends children have an initial orthodontic evaluation by age 7. Early evaluations help detect potential issues and guide treatment decisions.
Orthodontic treatment can improve not only your smile's appearance but also your oral health. It helps align teeth for better function, makes cleaning easier, and can alleviate issues like jaw pain.
Treatment duration varies based on the complexity of the case. On average, braces might be worn for 1-3 years, while aligners could range from several months to a couple of years.
Regular appointments every 4-8 weeks are typical for adjustments and to monitor progress. This will depend on Dr. Holt’s recommendation.
Yes, but it is recommended to wear a mouthguard for contact sports. It may take a bit of practice to adjust to playing instruments with braces.
Costs vary based on factors like treatment type and complexity. During your free consultation, we'll provide a detailed estimate and discuss payment options.
If a wire or bracket breaks, try using orthodontic wax to temporarily cover any sharp edges. Call us as soon as possible to schedule a repair appointment.
If an aligner isn't fitting correctly, revert to the previous one and contact us for guidance. Avoid progressing to the next aligner until we assess the issue.
You can easily schedule an appointment by calling our office or using the contact form on our website, or by using this link here
We offer various payment options and flexible plans. Our team will work with you to find a convenient payment solution.